Products We Love

Whether it’s baby carriers, quality toys, strollers, or anything else under the sun, these are the products that we use and love.

You’ll only find reviews here of products that we and our team have personally tested. Whether we loved it, loathed it, or felt somewhere in between, we’ll let you know!

Drawing from a diverse range of parents and products around the world, here’s what we’ve been using lately:

guava lotus bassinet

Is the Guava Lotus Travel Bassinet and Crib Worth It? (Not Sponsored Review!)

When I was building out my baby registry I came across all kinds of premium products and wondered if any of them were truly worth it. Like the SNOO Smart Sleeper, Artipoppe baby carrier, anything by Nuna or UPPA Baby, Willow wearable breast pumps, and of course, the Guava Lotus Bassinet and Travel Crib. I’ve…
READ MORE Is the Guava Lotus Travel Bassinet and Crib Worth It? (Not Sponsored Review!)

Is the Elvie Pump Worth it? My Honest Thoughts

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful journey, but for some of us, it doesn’t quite go as planned. I always envisioned nursing my baby with ease, but after numerous struggles and about six lactation consultants who all disagreed with each other, it became clear that breastfeeding wasn’t going to work for us. The decision to exclusively…
READ MORE Is the Elvie Pump Worth it? My Honest Thoughts
ergobaby metro stroller review

The 10 Best Strollers that Fit in an Airplane Overhead Bin 2024

If you’ve ever flown with your infant or toddler, you know that gate-checking your stroller creates an extra step before takeoff and risks damage to it while it’s out of sight. It also means waiting on a crowded jet bridge for crew members to bring the stroller back to you after landing — when all…
READ MORE The 10 Best Strollers that Fit in an Airplane Overhead Bin 2024
bentley trike review

Is the Bentley Trike Worth It? My Honest Thoughts

Is the Bentley Trike worth it? Apart from how sleek it looks, does it make sense to shell out on this particular trike, or any trike, for your kiddo? As a parent to an outdoors-loving toddler, I’m always on the lookout for products that make life more enjoyable and convenient. One of our recent acquisitions…
READ MORE Is the Bentley Trike Worth It? My Honest Thoughts
gb pockit stroller review

Is the GB Pockit Stroller the Perfect Travel Stoller? My Honest Thoughts.

Before settling on the perfect travel stroller, I did loads of research. I knew from chatting with friends that we definitely wanted a stroller that could fit in the overhead compartment in order to avoid waiting during tight connections or having the stroller getting broken. There could be no better option than the smallest possible…
READ MORE Is the GB Pockit Stroller the Perfect Travel Stoller? My Honest Thoughts.
slumberpod review

Is the Slumberpod Worth It? My Honest Thoughts After 2 Years

Is the Slumberpod worth it? You’ve likely seen it on social media and wondered, is this actually the godsend they say it is? After some deliberation, I bought one and tested it so that we an answer the question once and for all: Will it help everyone get better sleep on vacation, and is it…
READ MORE Is the Slumberpod Worth It? My Honest Thoughts After 2 Years