
International Travel with a One Year Old Tips and Tricks

When I first started flying with my baby, I mostly had a sleepy guy who didn’t take up much space. As my kiddo grew into a squirmy one-year-old, we didn’t stop taking him on trips, but had to learn to juggle more on travel days.

Long flights and layovers are about survival so you can share an amazing new place with your baby, and we’ve done our fair share. During my son’s second year of life, he visited Bali, Thailand, Singapore, Norway, Iceland, South Africa, and Namibia.

Here’s what I’ve learned during my many attempts at keeping my sanity intact on international flights:

1. The Diaper Bag: Your Lifeline

no reception club getaway diaper bag
Chilling at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris

Picture this: You’re at 35,000 feet, and you’ve come to your last outfit after another blow out. Pack that diaper bag wisely. Here’s what’s always in mine:

  • Diapers. SO many – enough to cover extensive delays. Trust me, a 1-hour layover can turn into 8 and suddenly, you’re searching a terminal for diapers which may or may not be available. Coterie is our ride or die travel diaper.
  • Wipes. Because they clean more than butts. Sticky hands, tray tables, your sanity after you spill coffee for the third time—it’s all about the wipes.
  • Snacks. Lots of them. Cheerios, pouches, whatever they love (these are our favorite travel baby and toddler snacks). Sometimes the only way to keep them entertained is with something crunchy and fun.
  • Toys. Small, quiet, new. The novelty factor is golden. Here are some of our favorite travel toys.
  • Extra clothes. For them and for you. You will get spit-up on. You will not want to sit in it for eight hours.
  • Pacifier/Bottle/Breast. For takeoff and landing, this helps ease the pressure for those little ears.

Bring a diaper bag that’s big enough for at least two kids. My personal favorite is the Milk x Whiskey to truly have everything possible covered, with No Reception Club coming in a close second for easy organization.

2. Long Layover? Make it Fun (Or At Least Bearable)

when can babies fly for free

Ah, the long layover—what feels like an endless stretch of time in which you’re trapped in an airport with an energetic, possibly overtired baby. If this sounds like a nightmare, and while it can be, there are ways to make it survivable:

  • Find the Play Areas. Some airports have toddler-friendly zones, where you can let your little one run wild. You’ll never appreciate a foam airplane slide more in your life. Some airports even have dedicated play areas for younger toddlers—bless them.
  • Take a Walk and Watch the Planes. Sounds too simple, but one-year-olds? They love looking out those big glass windows. They’ll stare at planes for a long time. Just point out all the planes and the trucks with enthusiasm and they’ll get excited too.
  • Hit the Lounges. If you’ve got access, USE IT. The quiet, the slightly less disgusting bathrooms, the free snacks or even full on meals, are all huge bonuses. Even if you don’t normally indulge in lounges, this is the time to do it. We use credit cards that award us lounge access to help.

Here are more tips on surviving a long layover with a little one.

3. Surviving the Long Flight

flying southwest with a baby

Long flights feel long no matter what age you are, but for littles, it can either be a time for them to mostly sleep, or do the opposite. I’ve had both on my hands. Here’s how we cope:

  • Timing is Everything. Try to time flights around nap times or bedtimes. If your kid is used to sleeping at a certain time, hopefully they’ll snooze for a chunk of the flight.
  • Walk the Aisles. Sometimes the best way to calm a cranky kid is to walk the aisles, waving at strangers like a parade float.
  • Stickers are Your Friend. We LOVE sticker books. As your toddler gets older, stickers will be something they can do a bit more independently, but helping them peel and stick stickers can occupy vast amounts of time.
  • Don’t Forget the Snacks and Toys that we talked about earlier. Keep them busy until they tire out and hopefully everyone can get some sleep.

4. The Business Class Lap Infant Hack

singapore airlines with a baby review

Flying business class with a lap infant might sound like a weird flex, but let me tell you—it’s the most comfortable way to fly while you still have a kid under two. We’ve done it plenty on miles, and here’s why it works:

  • Lie-Flat Seats. They are a gift. Sure, you’ll share it with your kid, but at least one of you might get a nap. Spoiler: it’s probably the baby, and not you, but at least they won’t be kicking someone else’s seat.
  • More Space. Even if your kid is too excited to sleep (and they may be), the extra room lets them move a little more without terrorizing your rowmates. So far we’ve flown Singapore, Emirates, Air France, SAS, Cathay Pacific, Japan Airlines, United, and ANA in business class with a lap infant.
  • Better Food. Because you’ll probably be scarfing down a meal one-handed while bouncing a baby, that upgraded menu feels like a tiny miracle. You can also get snacks that are more like mini meals on order, which were great for keeping our son fed.

5. Go Easy on Yourself

flying sas with a baby toddler

Lastly, remember this: traveling with a one-year-old is never going to be 100% easy. You will get stares. You will have moments of doubt, wondering why you’re doing this. But you’ll also have moments of pride when your baby sleeps through the night flight or charms the flight attendants with their adorable grin.

Now, go forth and travel! Just remember to pack extra wipes. Trust me.

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