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Is the Ergobaby Metro+ Stroller Worth Buying? (Updated in 2025)

I’m on a quest, friends, to find the best travel stroller that fits in an overhead bin. Though there are plenty on the market, my criteria are high. It needs to fold easily, be comfortable for my son, be sturdy, and have great storage.

Ergobaby recently sent me the Metro+ Deluxe stroller to test and I brought it on our most recent trip to Alaska. Here’s everything to know before buying it yourself including what I loved and didn’t love about it:

My Overall Impression of the Ergobaby Metro+ Deluxe

Why pick the Ergobaby over some of the other strollers that fit in an overhead bin, like the Babyzen Yoyo2, Joolz Aer, or GB Pockit?

Ergobaby’s main selling points for the Metro+ and Metro+ Deluxe are the particularly comfortable padding in the seating area, the adjustable handlebar (for the tall parents out there), near-flat recline, and the ‘newborn nest’ that creates a fully lined sleeping area with a flat footrest when fully reclined.

ergobaby metro stroller review

Here are the specs:

Weight18.1 lbs / 8.3 kg
Tire MaterialPolyurethane Rubber
Folded size54 x 44 x 25 cm (approx 21 x 18 x 10 inches)
Expanded size44 x 87 x 96 cm (approx 17.5 x 34 x 38 inches)
Compatible Car
Seat Brands
Cybex, Nuna, BeSafe, Maxi Cosi, Graco, Chicco (adapters sold separately)
Use RangeNewborn to 4 years
Maximum Child Weight50 lbs / 22 kg
What’s included w/ the Deluxe Stroller, Sunshade, Weather shield, Support Bar and Cupholder
Harness Type5-point, adjustable (no rethread needed)
Adjustable Handlebar95 to 105 cm (37.4 to 41.3 inches)

The Deluxe also has upgraded materials like the leather handlebar, comes with a cup holder and weather shield, and has a larger basket.

Most importantly, the stroller folds down small enough to fit even in the smaller overhead bins on two-seat-per-row planes. I know this from experience!

The biggest advantage of this stroller is the sturdiness, which worked out tremendously well when I had to get both the stroller and the car seat (on my back) and the heavy diaper bag through the airport on my own and was able to strap the diaper bag to the stroller. Most of the other strollers small enough to fit in an overhead bin aren’t sturdy enough for such a big counterweight.

The storage is also wonderful and much larger than I’m used to for such a compact stroller.


When roaming around a cruise ship like we were, and when navigating the airport solo like I was, having a large storage space is a godsend. Obviously it’s not going to be as large as your typical full-size strollers like the Uppababy Vista or the Guava Roam that we use at home, but you’d also have to gate check those, and they’re not narrow enough to easily maneuver around a cruise ship or airplane aisle.

It was great to have the combination of narrow, maneuverable, and to have ample storage in such a compact stroller. For comparison, this holds more than double what the Babyzen Yoyo does in the under carriage storage.

Keep in mind the Deluxe has more storage than the Ergobaby Metro+. How much you think you’ll rely on that feature (and the other extras like the cup holder and rain cover) might help to determine whether it’s worth the extra $100 to you.


ergobaby metro stroller review

The stroller folds down quite compact and has a single handed fold and unfold, which is 100% necessary especially when navigating TSA with a baby.

The compact size of it is great fitting into the overhead bin and down the airplane aisle without issues. I also appreciate that the handle is on the opposite end of the wheels, as it’s not my favorite when the handles touch the floor when folded. It can also stand up on its own when folded.

Ease of Use

ergobaby metro stroller review
On the jogging track, a frequent stop of ours on the ship

Apart from the fold, I found the stroller pretty simple to use and adjust. Due to the ‘infant nest’ created when the stroller is reclined, it does create some extra fabric up around the head of the baby when fully upright, though. It’s probably as simple as tucking it in, but I didn’t notice the same issue with the GB QBit even though it has the same feature.

It can also attach to some infant car seats with the adapters, however Uppababy isn’t one of them. Since it’s our travel car seat, that meant I had to wear it instead of attaching it to the stroller, which would have made the airport easier.

That said, sitting in the car seat long term isn’t great for a baby, so it’s not a feature I’d make use of all that often. Having the full recline and being able to create an infant-friendly environment makes it usable from day one as well, which is a huge plus.

Comfort + Adjustability + Recline

ergobaby metro stroller review
Nap approved

The seat does seem pretty comfy and plush. One of the ship staff even said it looked like Felix was ‘watching the game’ lounged back in the stroller with his feet up on the adjustable footrest. It’s nice that it reclines almost all the way, making it a great infant option as well. There’s a foldable flap for air flow on hot days if desired.

The only downside is it doesn’t go up quite straight enough for Felix when not reclined, who was pulling forward from time to time, wanting to be able to sit more upright than the stroller will go.

For parents, the adjustable handlebar is nice for those with with differing heights. I like the ergonomic feel of it as well.

Sun Shade

ergobaby metro stroller review
When the stroller doubles as a high chair on the verandah

I love that there are so many colors to choose from for the Metro+ from yellow to gold, blue, pink, black, grey, green, and the Deluxe colors Empire State Green (which is more of a taupe) and London Fog (a blue/gray color), pictured in this post.

I like that the sun shade also has a breathable flap that can also be used to check in on the little guy from time to time. My only qualm is it’s somewhat narrow, so his arms don’t have coverage unless he tucks them in.

Is it Worth Splurging for the Deluxe?

ergobaby metro stroller

Should you get the Ergobaby Metro+ Deluxe? There are some nice extras, like the cup holder, which we ended up not using on the cruise since it kept bumping into doorways and walls on the narrow ship areas. I could see it being nice when out for our morning walks, though, as I make use of the cup holder on our other strollers all the time.

If you live or are traveling somewhere rainy, the rain cover is probably a must. The extra lap bar is fun for Felix, I guess, who likes to put his feet up on it, but it’s not a must for me.

For me, the biggest plus is the bigger storage. I will always appreciate more storage because when it comes to traveling with a baby, the less you can have on your back and the more you can put in the basket, the better.

Final Thoughts

Overall, this is a great compact stroller. I haven’t yet found one that ticks all the boxes, but the sturdiness of the Metro+ and the extra storage of the Deluxe are perks that other strollers lack, and they’re kind of a big deal.

I wish it was a one-handed fold, and probably wouldn’t be my choice for my next solo flight with Felix, but I otherwise like the stroller overall, and I think he does, too. For the price ($299 for the Metro+ and $399 for the Deluxe) it’s a good buy in my book!

*Some links in this post are affiliate links that support our site at no extra cost to you. Ergobaby provided me with this stroller, however all thoughts are my own.

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