Skip Hop Activity Center Review: Is It Worth It?
We did some research, and decided on the Skip Hop Activity Center. The modular setup is right up our alley (we love our Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller and Lovevery play gym for that reason), and most other parents who have one, rave about it. After 2 months of consistent use, this is my honest review about the Skip Hop Activity Center:
When my baby reached 4 months old, we began researching suitable furniture that she could practice sitting and standing in, and would be safely and happily contained in while we got something around the house done. Our pediatrician advised against a mobile bouncer/baby walker (where the baby could move across the floor while being in it), and suggested a stationery activity center.
We did some research, and decided on the Skip Hop Activity Center. The modular setup is right up our alley (we love our Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller and Lovevery play gym for that reason), and most other parents who have one, rave about it. After 2 months of consistent use, this is my honest review about the Skip Hop Activity Center:
About Skip Hop Activity Center

The Skip Hop 3-stage activity center was designed in collaboration with a paediatrician, and focuses on a “whole body” approach to playing and learning. The activity center comes with a table top, a platform, four legs, a seat and seat cover, four suction toys each with a unique feature, and a removable piano. The quality is great, and it’s easy to assemble. The activity center weighs 15 pounds, so it’s fairly sturdy yet easy to be carried around the house. Since the legs can be detached, it’s possible to pack everything up and travel with it, or to dissemble and store away if you live in a small space.
At stage one, the activity center is set up as shown above, with the platform hooked to the legs. The straps are adjustable so you can move the platform up and down as you see fit. One thing to pay attention is that when seated, your baby’s feet should not be hanging in the air, nor should they be flat on the platform. Instead, it should be the ball of their feet that is in contact with the platform. The 360-degree rotating seat allows babies to swirl and play with all of the suction toys. The light-up piano in particular, can be removed and attached to the platform, giving babies a clear view of their feet as they play the piano to connect cause and effect.
At stage two, which is when your baby is able to walk, or could possibly climb out of the seat, the seat is removed, the platform is assembled to the table stop, and converts the activity center into a play table.
At stage three, the toys can be removed and the activity center turns into a table. The platform can be used as a chalkboard. The chairs are sold separately but you could probably use your own baby chairs with the right height.
The Skip Hop Activity Center, priced at $142, comes in two versions, the Explore & More, which is more vibrant in colors, and the Silver Lining Cloud, which is more subdued (with fun, bright-colored highlights – no sad beige mom here!), and IMO looks better in a living room.
What I Love About the Skip Hop Activity Center
A great baby container
My fellow parents, we have all been there: there are dishes waiting in the sink, or laundry sitting in the basket, or you just desperately need to go to the washroom and you are alone with your wide awake baby. The Skip Hop Activity Center is a great container for when I need both my hands to do something, or when I have to leave the room for a minute. My baby is always happy to be put in the activity center seat, and gets to the toys right away. She seems to enjoy swivelling around to play with each toy as well.
I find that my baby wants to get out of it after 15-20 minutes’ play in it, which is what the general advice is. Just like all baby containers including carriers, high chairs, bouncers and and swings, you should limit their time spent and your baby should spend majority of their waking hours lying on their back, getting sufficient tummy time and explore freely. We use the activity center 1-2 times on some days, and none at all on other days, but for when we need to step away for a little while, we are always happy that the activity center can be used.
The Aesthetic & Adaptability
I considered the Fisher-Price 4-in-1 Step ‘n Play Piano, which has similar functions and pricing, but ultimately, we wanted something we will be happy to include in our living space. The Skip Hop Activity Center, particular the Silving Lining Cloud version, is simply more pleasing to look at, in my opinion. It’s also easy to dissemble and tucked away. The toys look less tacky yet fun, confirmed by my baby’s own experience!
We are not a big fan of batteried toys and prefer a Montessori approach with our toy selection, and find that the toys on this activity center are not overstimulating. We never installed batteries in the piano, but my baby enjoys it all the same.
I like that we can adjust the location of the toys, and that the piano can be installed on the platform for my baby to play with her feet.
My baby enjoys being in it (for about 15-20 minutes)
We’ve always been very mindful when shopping for toys for my baby. At home, we are content with our beloved Lovevery Play Gym, as well as the Little Bloomer Play Boxes. I find that the Skip Hop Activity Center is a good addition, and since the toys are attached to the activity center, my baby only gets to play with them when she’s actually in it.
Her eyes light up every time we put her in. I sometimes hang out next to her and enjoy watching her practice palmer and raking grasps with the toys. She giggles at the sound from the peek-a-boo cloud. When she’s done being in it, she simply leans back, hold her hand out and wait for us to pick her up. My husband calls it her “business center”.
It’s better than a baby walker
As a 90s’ kid, I grew up with a baby walker, which is apparently bad for babies (it’s okay, mom! You didn’t know). Our paediatrician advised that baby walkers place a child in an atypical standing position, which could result in an abnormal walking pattern later on. A stationery activity center, like the Skip Hop, is simply a safer and better choice.
I also think that the time spent in the activity center has given my baby time to be upright, explore sitting and standing. That being said, definitely observe your baby carefully and even if the company states that the product is safe for babies from 4 months old, every baby is different. It’s important that your baby has good head and neck control in order to use the activity center. Your baby should also be of certain height in order to have foot support while in the activity center. My baby started using the activity center when she was about 65 centimetre tall at 4.5 months old.
What I Wish Could Be Better
Unclear Instructions
Right from the beginning, I was skeptical about the minimum age requirement. My baby is on the tall and lean side, and was drowning in the seat at 4 month old. Some parents also commented that their babies were still short for the center at 4 month old. I think a clearer guidance would have been of height and weight.
The official website also does not advise when to move on from one stage to the other. There’s no instructions on when to adjust the platform (some official photo examples would have been great!) as well. The polyester seat cover is rather tricky to attach and remove form the seat, but there’s no clear instructions from the official website for it.
Difficult to Clean
This is the most common complaint about the Skip Hop Activity Center. Moisture from drools and spills seep in the cracks, dusts accumulate in places that are impossible to clean. I can’t even remove the “discovery window” to clean it. Despite complaints from many, many customers, Skip Hop has not responded at all. For an item meant for babies at the stage where they drool so much and put everything in their mouth, this is a bit disappointing.
That being said, it’s great that the seat covered can be chucked into the washing machine, and that all of the toys are detachable which makes it easy to give them a quick clean.
Unable to purchase parts
A baby’s strength is not to be underestimated, and I foresee that the plastic “rainbow” isn’t going to last much longer given how much my baby pulls at them. I am honestly surprised that Skip Hop does not sell the parts separately, especially since it’s designed to be developmental. I’ve read that a mother lost the platform during a move, and instead of replacing the platform, she had to purchase the whole thing again. Some parents also complained that the piano stopped working after a while, and again, no replacement available.
Final Thoughts
As parents, we all strive to create a safe and fun environment for our little ones at home. I think the Skip Hop Activity Center does a great job in keeping my baby safe and entertained when needed, and I appreciate that, unlike many baby items out there, it is designed to last a long time. I am happy with our purchase, though I wish that Skip Hop would address some of the common complaints about the product.
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Love the pictures of your cute, beautiful baby’s expressions while using the product. Appreciate the thorough review and providing warnings of issues you or other parents with the activity center have even if overall it is great. Keeping these things clean is always such a challenge and wish companies would consider process improvements from such very constructive criticism. Might be a gift option if one day I become a grandparent.